esok adalah hari terakhir pose if not raya lah..
so hows your preparation??? baju raya berapa pasang?? kuih raya dah siap ke???
banyak dak??? ke beli je nie???
like i said... hehe ^^
anyway i also brought it, it more easier and no need to spent alot af time to do that...
ari nie kita cakap pasal kawan yek...
kawan semasa sekolah rendah lain semasa di sekolah menengah...
same goes to university, is very different...
at primary school your friend maybe your truly friend and some are not...
at high school, when someone friend with you and stay until the end...
they might me your truly friend...
some times we can predict what will happen in the future.
masa kt U nie, diorang stay with you maybe you are something to them.
it might me you are they friend or just person that they only can use.
sedih, tak reti nak terangkan macam mana.... but something i know for sure, ALLAH is always by our side...
kadang2 kite lupa... maybe when no one want to be friend with you, yoy still have ALLAH in your life same as goes your family....
love you;