Wednesday, August 22, 2012

hello guys~ today i nak update makeup tutorial yang dah lama tak buat..
all this my old picture because im too lazy.. teehee =D

ok then, we start with the eye ;)

1) 1st, make sure that your eyes is clean *no previous makeup ke..
puts your bb cream and mineral powder over your face *not mine* and if you have an eye-bag put concealer, okey?? =)

2) then, grab your eyeliner *i use liquid sebab pencil tak pandai sangat nak guna =P kalau ada gel eyeliner lagi bagus * and draw the line..
make sure that the line have wing..   

like this *im start drawing in the middle*
dont forget at the lower lash 
*jangan lukis kat atas je*

3) take you eyeshadow *black or dark brown* blend it over your eyeliner. pastikan tak comot yek.. 
just follow the line and make it more darker =) trust me, it beautiful~
sorry, yang ni tak gelap pun =D teehee
and finish it with eyeline *semula*
p/s: sorry, malas dah nak ambik gambar.. so yang ni jelah =) *jangan marah, nanti tak comel*
and for the ending picture, i tak snap. my bad =( but next time i ambik yek =)
thanks beb =)
happy raya everyone maaf zahir batin