Thursday, December 29, 2011

janda baik kat pahang...

memang janda baik kat PAHANG! tak kan kat PERAK pulak!?

tetiba cakap pasal janda baik nie, kenapa????


saya gi camp kat sana! huuuu~ tetiba rindu saat bersama!
dont get wrong idea O.K!
nak tengok gambar kami barsama tak???

muka2 kami ;p

sorry, actually we'll back from gunung...
gunung ape, i'm forgot it name! *my bad

yang pasti kat janda baik ;p

ok, tak nak cakap banyak, straight to the point.......
nak cakap i'm extremely happy gi sana. i know alot of friends and...
the most important that i know them better.

i think, i do like them. *dulu tak pun suka ke???


dulu pn suka, but this time is much better
because, i know them better..... *sumpah cakap, saya jatuh cinta*

and the last day we there, we make conversation *my background sound
(let have heart to heart, talk!)
*song by 4minute

we make bbq and campfire.... *sedap nye dapat makan! yume2...
this time i know alot of secret (wahahahaha --> ketawa jahat)

sweet kan??

i'm too lazy to upload many picture...


the end ;p

p/s: sorry perak!
peace ^.^V

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